Visas granted and bags filled

Friday began with a trek into London to pick up our visas. We were both slightly apprehensive as no indication had been given whether or not our applications had even been approved.

Finally our number was called and the chap at the counter told Nicole to sit down before checking the contents of the sealed envelope. A final look at each other’s faces mirrored in slight worry and we retrieved our passports with the visas in place as hoped. Immediate relief surged through my body and the trip became even more real. The Indian Consulate is allowing us six months in the country which is going to make up the most of our time away.

Since then time has passed like lightning. We have visited friends and family and have said many of our goodbyes. Now we sit in our room packing our bags with as little as we can realistically get away with.

5 thoughts on “Visas granted and bags filled

  1. Marion

    Know your Mum through the Blue Cross, and she told me about your trip.

    I’m always interested in travel, so look forward to reading your blog. Bon voyage!

  2. Nigel Coles

    Hi Hugh and Nicole,

    Hope you are having a great trip. Love the Blog and Photos Great shots of the trains and stations.

    I would love to know why all those coaches are parked in the sidings in long grass ? It looks a great trip with all the culture buildings and people.

    This is the first chance I had to see your blog with Darren in Banbury.

    June broke her arm in a fall and is in the Horton Hospital for observation for a few days until a care package can be arranged.

    Otherwise we are all ok.

    Hoping to see your mum and dad this week.

    take care and enjoy the wonderful experience.

    Best wishes.

    Love Uncle Nige x

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